Just Updates.
Whoaaaaaaaaaa !!.
Headache !!.
Starting last Saturday,something was gone.
Something that has been with me since 2001.
Oh.. I will miss it so !!.
So many memories.
So many tales.
Believe it or not,I shed a tear when it left.
Headache !!.
Starting last Saturday,something was gone.
Something that has been with me since 2001.
Oh.. I will miss it so !!.
So many memories.
So many tales.
Believe it or not,I shed a tear when it left.

YES,I'm talking about my ( former ) car.
Akh !!. Dodol !!. Sampe sekarang pun masih sedih !!. Padahal sudah ada gantinya.
* Yeah..my car is one messy car !!. Hehe *
* Best sticker I got on it !. Too bad I can't find another one like this. Bought it in Bali anyway *
* I'll miss this sticker the most. POWER PUFF GIRLS !!. Oh well * wipes tears * *
Bye bye,car !.
Thanks for every thing.
Each day we've spent together meant a lot to me !.
Hope those dudes takes good care of you..
As hard as it is to let you go,letting the memories that came a long with it is the hard-est !.
[ kepikiran untuk hijrah ke wordpress. Hmmm...... ]